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Tag Archives: Productivity

The Procrastinator Within

If I am busy, I must be productive, right? A busy man is a faithful and fruitful man? Nope. Busyness is no guarantee of productivity, faithfulness, or fruitfulness. But why? What distinguishes a fruitfully busy schedule from a non‐fruitful busy schedule? I think it comes down to two important points: understanding our sin and understanding our roles. Today we’ll look at our sin and later we will look more closely at roles). In the last post we looked at Walter…

Confessions of a Busy Procrastinator

In the past I thought that as long as I wasn’t idle, I wasn’t lazy. Not true. In fact, my laziness often shows up in the form of busyness. And this was the same discovery Walter Henegar made in his life, as he explained in his candid autobiographical article “Putting Off Procrastination” in The Journal of Biblical Counseling (Fall 2001). “I procrastinate,” he writes. “I’ve been doing it most of my life. If a particular task is even remotely unpleasant,…

Are You Busy?

There is a certain folder with stuff in it that I force myself to read and review each year. It’s stuff about time management, goal setting, productivity. It’s not stuff I’m excited about reading and reviewing but I need to review this material each year because, well, because I tend to be lazy. If you followed me around you might think I’m diligent and productive but all too often I’m busy doing things that aren’t most important, just urgent or…