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Tag Archives: David Mathis

Someone Unseen Moves

“The Bible is no magic book, but a strange, enigmatic power stirs when we reach for the Scriptures. Something influential, though invisible, is happening as we hear God’s words read or spoken, and when we read or study. Something supernatural, but unseen, transpires as we see the text in front of us and take it into our souls. Someone unseen moves.” David Mathis, Habits of Grace: Enjoying Jesus Through the Spiritual Disciplines, 52. The book I recommend to better understand how…

Put Your Nose in the Text

“At the end of the day, there is simply no replacement for finding a regular time and place, blocking out distractions, putting your nose in the text, and letting your mind and heart be led and captured and thrilled by God himself communicating to us in his objective written words… There is no substitute for a few focused minutes each day in the text. You may be surprised how much the little bits add up over the long haul.” David…