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Tag Archives: R. C. Sproul

Remembering R.C. Sproul

Shortly after R.C. Sproul died, I was asked by Mark Prater to write a tribute remembering R.C. Sproul for the Sovereign Grace Churches blog, which I’ve reprinted it below. I love and miss R.C. and the challenge with a tribute of this kind is to limit myself. There are so many ways that R.C.’s life and ministry blessed me and so many others. Yesterday’s memorial service for R.C. at St. Andrew’s Chapel left me freshly grateful for R.C.’s life and ministry…

When God Turned His Back on His Son

“When Jesus took the curse upon Himself, He so identified with our sin that He became a curse… At the moment that Christ took upon Himself the sin of the world, He became the most grotesque, most obscene mass of sin in the history of the world… I have heard many sermons about the physical pain of death by crucifixion. I’ve heard graphic descriptions of the nails and the thorns. Surely the physical agony of crucifixion was a ghastly thing….

Time. Redeemed.

Two or three times each year I retrieve a collection of articles in a folder labeled “Time Management.” Among the articles I review is one titled “Time Well Spent: Right Now Counts Forever,” written by one of my heroes in the faith, Dr. R.C. Sproul. The article first appeared in Tabletalk magazine several years ago (September 1997, pp. 4–7). And if you could see my copy of the article, you would notice that it’s peppered with years of highlights, underlines, and…