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Tag Archives: Worldliness

God, My Heart, and Clothes, Part 5

The following article, “God, My Heart, and Clothes,” is adapted from a chapter in the book Worldliness: Resisting the Seduction of a Fallen World. The Modest Woman’s Allegiance Remember Jenni from the beginning of the chapter? A friend graciously confronted her concerning her immodest dress, and encouraged her to take a closer look at what God’s Word had to say about modesty. When Jenni pasted 1 Timothy 2:9 back into her Bible and began applying its truth to her heart and…

God, My Heart, and Clothes, Part 4

The following article, “God, My Heart, and Clothes,” is adapted from a chapter in the book Worldliness: Resisting the Seduction of a Fallen World. A Word to Fathers Dads, I want to urge you to take responsibility for your daughters’ dress. Fathers are absolutely essential to the cultivation of modesty. When a young lady dresses immodestly, it usually means her father has failed to lead, care for and protect her. Without a father’s care and protection, she may be daily exposed…

God, My Heart, and Clothes, Part 3

The following article, “God, My Heart, and Clothes,” is adapted from a chapter in the bookWorldliness: Resisting the Seduction of a Fallen World. A Pastor’s Concern It’s been almost two thousand years since Paul penned his letter, but 1 Timothy 2:9 remains a pastoral concern. Today the issue is immodest and sensual clothing more than ostentatious attire. And it’s no small challenge to address this matter. I know the great risk for offense or misunderstanding that I take by broaching…

God, My Heart, and Clothes, Part 2

The following article, “God, My Heart, and Clothes,” is adapted from a chapter in the book Worldliness: Resisting the Seduction of a Fallen World. The Appearance of the Modest Woman What do humble, modest clothes look like? First Timothy 2:9 tells us: “Women should adorn themselves in respectable apparel . . . not with braided hair and gold or pearls or costly attire.” To better understand this verse, let’s travel back in time to the early church. There had been some…

God, My Heart, and Clothes, Part 1

The following article, “God, My Heart, and Clothes,” is adapted from a chapter in Worldliness: Resisting the Seduction of a Fallen World.  When it comes to fashion, I’m deliberately out of step. I don’t care if what I’m wearing is trendy or not—in fact, it’s my goal to resist the influence of others (from Paris or Hollywood or anywhere else) over my wardrobe. Like any man’s man, I relish being out of style. I want to feel comfortable in what…