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Tag Archives: Productivity

Roles, Goals, Scheduling

The last time I looked, lists 97,616 books under the topic of “time management.” Titles range from Getting Things Done: The Art of Stress‐Free Productivity by David Allen, a helpful book I recommend, to Time Management for Dummies, a book I have not read, although it appears I represent the target audience. “Time management” books are hot and it’s obvious why—we all want to discover some previously unknown secret that will enable us to become more productive. Yet in this…

Time. Redeemed.

Two or three times each year I retrieve a collection of articles in a folder labeled “Time Management.” Among the articles I review is one titled “Time Well Spent: Right Now Counts Forever,” written by one of my heroes in the faith, Dr. R.C. Sproul. The article first appeared in Tabletalk magazine several years ago (September 1997, pp. 4–7). And if you could see my copy of the article, you would notice that it’s peppered with years of highlights, underlines, and…

The Sluggard

There is a certain folder with stuff in it that I force myself to read and review each year. It’s stuff about time management, goal setting, productivity. It’s not stuff I’m excited about reading and reviewing but I need to review this material each year because, well, because I tend to be lazy. If you followed me around you might think I’m diligent and productive but all too often I’m busy doing things that aren’t most important, just urgent or…

In All Thy Ways

My tendency is to charge into the day intent on getting stuff done, attacking my to‐do list motivated by self-sufficiency rather than by humble dependence upon the grace of God revealed in the gospel. And given the active presence of pride and self‐sufficiency in my life, it is imperative for me at the outset of each day to devote time to humbling myself before the Lord and acknowledging my dependence upon him for all that awaits me. As I devote…

Just Do It

Due to my tendency towards procrastination, the following quote by preacher Alexander MacLaren is posted under my computer monitor as a daily means of confronting that procrastinator within. My hope is that, by the grace of God, it will provoke diligence to attend to the most important matters each day for the glory of God. It reads: No unwelcome tasks become any the less unwelcome by putting them off till tomorrow. It is only when they are behind us and…