Don’t Waste Your Sports, Part 4: Play to the Glory of God

Here’s the difference knowing God makes: when I encounter the eternal, almighty, infinite, and merciful God, something changes in my heart. My attention turns away from myself and toward this glorious God. I walk onto the field much less likely to brag, jockey for attention, or try to win others’ admiration. Every play, every inning, every race becomes an opportunity to draw attention to God. That’s what we call worship. And this is why worshiping God isn’t just something we…

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Don’t Waste Your Sports, Part 3: Meeting God Before the Opening Tip

Using sports to glorify someone is not a new idea. You may already know that the clothing brand Nike is named after the ancient Greek goddess of victory. But perhaps you didn’t know that the original Olympic games—which occurred hundreds of years before Christ was born—were an athletic festival held in honor of the Greek god Zeus. On the central day of the festival, 100 oxen were sacrificed to him. (This rivals modern Super Bowls for the most absurd halftime…

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God, My Heart, and Clothes, Part 5

The following article, “God, My Heart, and Clothes,” is adapted from a chapter in the book Worldliness: Resisting the Seduction of a Fallen World. The Modest Woman’s Allegiance Remember Jenni from the beginning of the chapter? A friend graciously confronted her concerning her immodest dress, and encouraged her to take a closer look at what God’s Word had to say about modesty. When Jenni pasted 1 Timothy 2:9 back into her Bible and began applying its truth to her heart and…

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God, My Heart, and Clothes, Part 4

The following article, “God, My Heart, and Clothes,” is adapted from a chapter in the book Worldliness: Resisting the Seduction of a Fallen World. A Word to Fathers Dads, I want to urge you to take responsibility for your daughters’ dress. Fathers are absolutely essential to the cultivation of modesty. When a young lady dresses immodestly, it usually means her father has failed to lead, care for and protect her. Without a father’s care and protection, she may be daily exposed…

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Don’t Waste Your Sports, Part 2: What Are Sports Really For?

You won’t find track meets or golf tournaments in the pages of Scripture. But we’re about to look at a passage that applies to all of life, including sports. These few words, if by the grace of God we understand and obey them, will transform our lives. Are you ready for this? It’s a familiar passage, but perhaps you haven’t applied it to the playing field: So, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the…

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