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Tag Archives: Sports

Don’t Waste Your Sports, Part 2: What Are Sports Really For?

You won’t find track meets or golf tournaments in the pages of Scripture. But we’re about to look at a passage that applies to all of life, including sports. These few words, if by the grace of God we understand and obey them, will transform our lives. Are you ready for this? It’s a familiar passage, but perhaps you haven’t applied it to the playing field: So, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the…

Don’t Waste Your Sports, Part 1: Sports at Their Best—And Worst

I can see it clearly. My feet are firmly planted on the starting block, knees bent, arms hanging loosely at my sides. The water is still. I take a final deep breath, waiting for the gun to go off, anticipating my lunge into the pool. It takes little imagination to relive this moment. I can’t count the number of times I dove into the pool, absolutely intent on winning. What led me to compete as a swimmer? Well, at first…