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Tag Archives: Quote

The Redeemer’s Never-Ceasing Intercession For Us

“How encouraging the thought of the Redeemer’s never-ceasing intercession is for us. When we pray, He pleads for us; and then we are not praying, He is advocating our cause, and by His supplications shielding us from unseen dangers…Little do we know of what we owe to our Savior’s prayers. When we reach the hill-tops of heaven, and look back upon all the ways in which the Lord our God has led us, how we shall praise Him who, before…

A Remedy For Spiritual Curvature of the Spine

“A visitor to the contemporary church materializing from an earlier century would probably be struck by how enormously privileged we are. We each own a Bible; if they owned a Bible it was in small print Elizabethan English. We carry entire theological libraries on our eReaders, have access to vast resources via the worldwide web; they perhaps owned one or two Christian books. And yet, if the truth be told, what might surprise the most is that their familiarity with…

Giving Thanks for What Matters Most

I hope this quotation from J. I. Packer will help you prepare for Thanksgiving: “Appreciate the goodness of God. Count your blessings. Learn not to take natural benefits, endowments and pleasures for granted; learn to thank God for them all. Do not slight the Bible or the gospel of Jesus Christ, by an attitude of casualness toward either. The Bible shows you a Savior who suffered and died in order that we sinners might be reconciled to God; Calvary is…