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Category Archives: Miscellanies

Roles (Part 2)

Not long ago I was awake in the middle of the night, reading and enjoying the silence. Except I kept hearing a sound. Tap…Tap…Tap. It sounded like dripping water. But from where? A short search led me to our main‐level bathroom, where the dripping noise was the loudest. Crouching down, I opened the cabinet doors under the sink and discovered a little puddle of water in the cabinet. The problem was easy to see: The drip was coming from the…

Why Is The Book Of Job So Long?

Ever wonder why the book is Job is long? Ever wonder whether the arguments between Job and his friends that comprise the majority of the book (chapters 3-37) are really necessary? Ever read them? If not you might be surprised at the grace and wisdom revealed in these chapters that will serve your soul big time, particularly if you are presently suffering. The length of the arguments and speeches of Job and his friends and the length of the book…

Roles (Part 1)

It’s not hard for us to imagine that pastors and church planters are called by God. This is clear to us throughout Scripture. So when we come across the first verse in Romans, where Paul says he was “called to be an apostle” (ESV), we have no problem with this. But what about the rest of us? What about a stay‐at‐home mom with two kids? What about an auto mechanic? How about a real estate agent and a business owner?…

When You Cannot Trace His Hand

“A true Christian believer may be taken by God through times of deep and dark despair…This is a very important truth.” Christopher Ash “This is a very important truth.” Couldn’t agree more. Let’s read this very important truth again just to make sure it’s made a very important impression upon us. “A true Christian believer may be taken by God through times of deep and dark despair.” A true Christian believer. Someone who is genuine, someone who is sincere and…

Roles, Goals, Scheduling

The last time I looked, lists 97,616 books under the topic of “time management.” Titles range from Getting Things Done: The Art of Stress‐Free Productivity by David Allen, a helpful book I recommend, to Time Management for Dummies, a book I have not read, although it appears I represent the target audience. “Time management” books are hot and it’s obvious why—we all want to discover some previously unknown secret that will enable us to become more productive. Yet in this…