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Tag Archives: Ordinary Pastors

Remember God’s Patience With You

So how does a pastor cultivate complete patience with those entrusted to his care over a period of many years? Here are a few suggestions. When I am impatient with others, I have temporarily lost sight of God’s patience with me. At the root of my impatience is self-righteousness and pride. Daily remembering God’s patience with me protects my soul from sinful impatience with others. I love this reminder from J.I. Packer: Appreciate the patience of God. Think how he…

With Complete Patience

I am brought up short every time I read the phrase “with complete patience and teaching” (2 Timothy 4:2). Every time. Pastoral ministry requires not just patience, but “complete patience.” “Complete patience” emphasizes the extent to which this quality must be present in our preaching and in our entire ministry. And it is essential, not optional. Yes, we must be theologically accurate and exegetically precise. But if we fail to be patient with those we are addressing, we aren’t being…

Be Ready in Season and Out of Season

Faithfulness to “preach the word” requires that you persevere in prosperity and adversity. Paul writes, “Preach the word; be ready in season and out of season” (2 Timothy 4:2). It’s not clear whether “in season and out of season” refers to Timothy and his varying temptations to timidity and fear, or to his audience, who could be either receptive or antagonistic. The smart guys who serve us with their commentaries differ on this. I’m persuaded by those who think it’s…

A Commitment to Unoriginality

Here’s something I’ve discovered: faithful proclamation of the message requires an unwavering commitment to unoriginality. In his book Pastoral Theology, Thomas Oden writes this at the outset: “I hope this work will be as unoriginal as possible. This is the first time I have attempted to write an entire text with an absolutely clear commitment to unoriginality.” Pastors, every sermon we preach must reflect the same thing: an absolutely clear commitment to unoriginality. You see, if you don’t resolve to…

Remain Faithful to the Message

Paul’s first charge is this: “Preach the word” (2 Timothy 4:2). As pastors, we are called to be faithful to preach—and not to preach just anything; the content of our preaching is “the word.” Timothy would recognize this as yet another reference to Scripture in general (3:16–17) and the gospel in particular (1 Timothy 1:15; 2 Timothy 2:8). Paul does not need to further specify or clarify for Timothy. The “deposit,” “sound teaching,” “the truth,” or “the faith”—these are all…